
High Power

High power TVS diodes provide dependable protection against transient voltage surges in electrical systems that already carry high current loads. Littelfuse offers these types of TVS diodes with peak pulse capabilities as high as 30 kW (10/1000µs) and peak pulse current ratings as high as 3 kA. Several employ Foldbak technology to deliver improved clamping, and all come in subminiature packages that save space on printed circuit boards. You can choose unipolar or bipolar TVS diodes with axial leads or without leads.
  • Available with collector–emitter continuous voltage ratings of 1.7 kV dc to 6.5 kV dc
  • Available with collector–emitter saturation voltage ratings of 900 V to 3.6 kV
  • Available with repetitive peak collector current ratings of 280 A to 6 kA
  • Reverse recovery times typically below 1.2 µs
  • High temperature tolerance, with devices operating in the range of –40 ℃ to +125 ℃
  • Absence of wires and soldering reduces risks for mechanical fatigue to practically zero
  • Low inductance from gate and emitter connections prevents short circuits
  • International standard packages

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