
Series: NGRM-ENC

NGRM-ENC Series – Enclosed Neutral-Grounding-Resistor Monitor
Product Status| Activei

The NGRM-ENC enclosed neutral-grounding-resistor monitor series is a Type 4X enclosure housing a Littelfuse Startco SE-325 or SE-330 neutral-grounding-resistor monitor and optional accessories, which include:

  • 480–600 V control power transformer (CPT)
  • Faulted-phase indication (FPI; implemented with an EL3100 ground-fault and phase-voltage indicator)
  • Earth-leakage panel meter
  • Pulse-enable control
  • Mounting options
Appropriate fusing is included and field wiring is connected to terminal blocks.


SE-325 Neutral-Grounding-Resistor Monitor
Measures current and voltage in a transformer or generator neutral-to-ground connection and continuity of the neutral-grounding resistor. For applications in Canada, use the SE-330 to meet 2018 CEC 22.1 requirements.

SE-330 Neutral-Grounding-Resistor Monitor
Advanced ground-fault and neutral-grounding-resistor monitoring relay that measures neutral current, neutral-to-ground voltage, and neutral-to-ground resistance.

EL3100 Ground-Fault & Phase-Voltage Indicator
Three panel-mounted LEDs indicate the ground-faulted phase.

Panel Meter
Panel-mounted meter displays earth leakage current as a percentage of the ground-fault-CT-primary rating.

RK-332/RK-302 Remote Indication and Reset
Panel-mounted remote indication and reset assemblies are included with SE-325 and surface-mounted SE-330 configurations.



NGRM-ENC Applications

Highlights Section

  • Resistance-grounding systems

Series: NGRM-ENC Resources