
Series: Q6008LTH1LED

8 Amp Alternistor Quadrac for LED dimmer applications
Product Status| Activei
Littelfuse Q6008LH1LED and Q6012LH1LED Series Alternistor Triacs and Q6008LTH1LED and Q6012LTH1LED Series QUADRACs for LED Dimming offer robust solutions for power switching control of AC line based LED dimmer applications. They are designed to work as the switching device in the dimmer circuit to vary the light output of new dimmable LED bulbs and strings. They are well suited to the needs of LED lighting dimmer designers who want to combine the widest range of operating parameters with high reliability and without degrading the dimmer’s performance. The market-leading low load current capability of these devices allows creating a single dimmer design that can handle all dimmable lighting loads: LED, CFL, and traditional incandescent.

  • Max holding current as low as 6mA
  • UL recognized TO-220AB package
  • 110°C rated junction temperature
  • Static dv/dt performance of 35V/µs
  • di/dt performance of 70A/µs
  • QUADRAC version includes integrated DIAC
  • Gated Triacs have 10mA gate sensitivity
  • Full control of light output at the extreme low end of load conditions
  • 2500VAC min isolation between mounting tab and active terminals
  • Improves margin of safe operation with less heat sinking required
  • Provides enhanced immunity from electrical noise
  • Enables survivability of typical LED load operating characteristics
  • Simplicity of circuit design and layout
  • 600 Volts blocking capability

Q6008LTH1LED Parts


Q6008LTH1LED Applications

Highlights Section

  • Light dimmers designed to accommodate LED loads
  • LED dimmers or combination dimmers

Series: Q6008LTH1LED Resources