Phase control thyristors control the flow of current through circuits. The gates of the solid state switches open in line with the sine wave of electrical currents. Littelfuse makes two types of these power semiconductors for high-power applications. You will find our capsule-type and stud-type phase control thyristors in industrial dc motor drives, marine and rail propulsion systems, wind power converters, and electrochemical power supplies.
Operate at voltages from 400 Vrms to 6.5 kVrms
Available with nonrepetitive surge current (ITSM) ratings up to 8 kA
Typical gate turn-on time of 1 µs to 3 µs
Low resistance ratings of 0.171 mΩ to 1.79 mΩ
Operate at temperatures from –40 ℃ to +125 ℃
Low conduction losses
Optimized for applications with line frequencies up to 400 Hz