Silicon Schottky diode rectifiers produce very low forward voltage drops while serving as ac switches in power converts and switched-mode power supplies. The devices can also be used to control the flow of current to other protection diodes. Littelfuse makes almost 100 types of silicon Schottky diodes. Consult our Power Semiconductor Product Catalog to find the best solution for your application.
Available with wide ranges of current ratings (e.g., 5 A and 200 V ac, 30 A and 100 V ac)
Low to ultra-low forward voltage drop (e.g., 0.80 V ac at 10 A, 0.68 V ac at 20 A)
Operate at up to 150 ℃
Meet ITO-220AB standards for pin spacing
Low current leakage
Common cathode configuration
Single-screw mounting design
Guard rings enhance ruggedness and long-term reliability