
Series: LVR

240/120 VAC PolySwitch Line-Voltage-Rated Lead-Free Radial Leaded Resettable PPTC
Product Status| Activei

Littelfuse PolySwitch line-voltage-rated (LVR) devices help protect electric motors and transformers used in commercial and home appliances from damage caused by mechanical overloads, overheating, stall, lost neutral and other potentially harmful conditions.

The LVR line-voltage product line of polymeric positive temperature coefficient (PPTC) devices include components that are rated for line voltages of 120VAC, VDC and 240VAC, VDC for up to 2A of operating current at 20°C. They help protect against damage caused by both overcurrent surges and overtemperature faults. They also offer low resistance and are compatibly sized with fuse solutions.

  • RoHS and Halogen-free compliant
  • Broadest range of radial-leaded resettable devices available in the industry
  • Current ratings from 50mA to 2A
  • Line voltage rating of 120VAC, VDC and 240VAC,VDC
  • Fast time-to-trip
  • Low resistance
  • UL Recognized to UL 1434
  • CSA Approved to CSA TIL No. CA-3A
  • TUV Approved to EN 60730-1
  • CQC Approved to GB 8898, GB/T 7153, GB 14536.1

LVR Parts


LVR Applications

black expresso machine with white cup
Pumps, Heaters & Small Motors

As a simplified block diagram shows, a complex system of pumps, motors, and heaters allows coffee makers and espresso machines to grind beans,

Highlights Section

  • Electromagnetic loads
  • Game machines
  • Industrial controls
  • Lighting ballasts
  • Loudspeakers
  • Medical equipment
  • Motors, fans and blowers
  • POS equipment
  • Satellite video receivers
  • Security and fire alarm systems

Series: LVR Resources