
Series: 487

420VAC/420VDC 5x20mm Fast-Acting Ceramic Body Fuse
Product Status| Activei

487 series is the first fast-acting fuse with both AC and DC rating from the Littelfuse 5X20mm fuse family. This fast-acting ceramic body fuse provides over-current protection for telecom power supplies and datacenter server power supplies where a high-voltage DC interrupting rating is required.

  • Lower I2t and faster tripping
  • High-current ratings up to 16A in a 5X20mm footprint
  • 420V AC rating
  • 420V DC rating

487 Parts


487 Applications

Highlights Section

  • Telecom Power Supplies
  • Datacenter Server Power Supplies
  • Intelligent commercial buildings
  • High-energy and power efficient applications (3-phase power supplies, inverters, and ballasts)

Series: 487 Resources

487 Related Products
