The purpose of this calculator is to help the plant engineer or electrician create a preliminary calculation of the reduction of Incident Energy (IE) by applying the PGR-8800 Arc-Flash Relay. All nameplate data should be collected by a qualified individual. The calculations below provide a typical-case scenario in 3-phase systems, as defined by IEEE 1584 calculations, and are for illustration purposes only. Actual values may vary.
Please fill in the values in the green shaded boxes only. The values shaded in gray will calculate automatically.
- Select your Equipment Voltage
- Select your Equipment Class
- Indicate whether you know your Circuit Breaker (CB) Clearing Time number
- Indicate your Circuit Breaker(CB) Total Clearing Time
- Enter your Available Bolted Fault Current
- Enter your Incident Energy for Instantaneous
Note the New Incident Energy (NIE) Value — this is what your your Incident Energy will be by applying the PGR-8800 in your system.
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