PIR Motion Detectors

Passive infrared (PIR) sensors work with security systems, lighting controls, and automated doors and gates to make buildings safer. A block diagram shows components Littelfuse and its subsidiary Zilog provide for these motion and presence sensors. In addition to PIR sensor units, we offer microcontrollers, reed relays and solid state relays for alarms, and several types of overvoltage protection.

Block Diagram

Product Series:
Features:High peak surge current rating (up to 10 kA); high operating temperature (up to 125 ?C); Wide operating voltage range VM(AC)RMS 11 V to 95 V
Benefits:Reduces customer qualification time by complying with third-party safety standards such as UL/IEC

Product Series:
Features:Dual element sensor; wide-angle detection; low voltage operation; pet immunity
Benefits:Low power consumption; high reliability

Product Series:
Features:Real-time control of motion sensitivity; ambient light sensing; serial or RF communication protocol
Benefits:Optimized for sensor application; reduces component count and saves space; allows for cheaper ceramic capacitors

Product Series:HE3600, HE3300
Features:Miniature single in-line package; external magnetic shield option
Benefits:Low power consumption; high isolation; immune to environmental effects

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