Information about RoHS compliance and certification, lead- and halogen-free certification, and REACH compliance and certification is available on our product pages.
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RoHS compliance and certification, lead- and halogen-free certification, and REACH compliance and certification information appear in the tabs at the bottom of our product pages. Please note that this information is not available for all products. For ICP and IPC test reports, please complete our Product Environmental Information Request Form.
SCIP Status
Littelfuse will provide SCIP (Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects/Products) dossiers for all products containing REACH SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) above the threshold. This SCIP file contains the latest status for products we have determined exceed the SVHC threshold. We encourage you to check this page periodically for updates to the file.
Status Definitions
Complete—a SCIP dossier has been successfully submitted into the ECHA database for this finished product. You can use the SCIP number to look up the information in ECHA.
In Process—Littelfuse has identified this finished product as having an SVHC above the threshold and is reviewing and submitting the SCIP dossier to the ECHA database.
Important Note—If the product you are looking for is not listed, then it currently does not contain any REACH SVHC above the threshold that Littelfuse has been able to identify based on the information provided by our suppliers.