The Multilayer High-Speed MHS Series is a very-low Capacitance extension of the Littelfuse ML family of Transient Voltage Surge Suppression devices available in an 0402 and 0603-size surface mount chip. The MHS series provides protection from ESD and EFT in high-speed data-line and other high frequency applications. The low capacitance of the MHS Series permits usage in analog or digital circuits where it will not attenuate or distort the desired signal or data. Their small size is ideal for high-density printed circuit boards, being typically applied to protect integrated circuits and other sensitive components. They are particularly well suited to suppress ESD events including those specified in IEC 61000-42 or other standards used for ElectroMagnetic Compliance (EMC) testing. The MHS series is manufactured from semiconducting ceramics and is supplied in a leadless, surface mount package. The MHS Series is also compatible with modern reflow and wave soldering processes.
RoHS compliant
3pF, 12pF, and 22pFcapacitance versionssuitable for high–speeddata rate lines